
Stonewashed Denim Paper

Here's my newest recycled handmade paper for sale on Etsy. The sheets are made from "apple trays" I get from a local grocery. The trays are already made from recycled material so these sheets are more like recycled-recycled handmade paper!

The sheets are fairly flexible and would make great journal or scrapbooking pages. I have made one journal cover from my handmade paper but am still working on getting the density right so it's more durable.

Hope you like the pics :D

Light-Weight Polymer Clay Beads

I posted an instructable yesterday that shows how to save money and make light-weight beads. Those of us working with polymer clay know that the larger the beads, the heavier the weight, which can be no bueno for necklaces when using more than one bead. But I love ginormous beads! So I had to figure out a way to get big beads with less weight. And this is how I did it. Enjoy!



Vote for my instructable!!!

Hello hello! Just entered a contest at Instructables.com, where I have some tutorial-type videos, and I want you to go an vote for it! There is a star rating system to the right of the instructable so use that to rate what you think of the instructable! All ratings and critiques are welcome!!!

Click on the title of this blog entry or here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Homemade_Paper/

Thanks! :D


"Spiral Trance Treasure Box" Spotlight

Back in May 2008, one of my treasure boxes was spotlighted by Domestika at domestikgoddess.com. You can click the title of this blog to go to the site and check out the interview and pics.

New Customer Appreciation Pics

Here's a couple of pics sent to me from a local customer.

Thanks Indigo! Hope you enjoy your new jewelry!

Who I'm am

My photo
Tennessee, United States
Recycle, Upcycle, or Die.


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Geomagnetic Field:
From n3kl.org
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